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About Us

Our Mission

To empower homeless persons to achieve greater self-sufficiency, to advocate on behalf of homeless persons and organizations that serve them, and to work together to educate the central Ohio community about the devastating effects of homelessness on individuals and families.


Board of Directors & Staff


Ben Sears, Executive Director

Ann Marie Buswell, Administrative Asst.

Board of Directors:

Brian Whitacre

Donald Strasser

Sarah Hatchard-Douglas

Gail Lowe

Marcus Salter

Diane Donato

Allison Smith

Founded in 1986 as a response to the rising number of individuals experiencing homelessness in Central Ohio, The Columbus Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) comprises a network of service providers, homeless persons, and community residents. With a mission to empower homeless persons to achieve greater self-sufficiency, the organization concentrates its efforts on three areas: advocacy for those experiencing homelessness, education about homelessness offered to the greater Columbus community, and empowerment.

Our Mission

During its thirty-five year history the Coalition has maintained a monthly meeting designed to identify and remedy the gaps and problems within the local array of services. With a focus on creating feasible solutions, the organization has addressed the most serious issues with provider agencies and funders.  An example of this effort was CCH’s role in increasing the temperature cutoff so that more persons could access shelter in the winter months, changing the rules of shelter access during the winter months.


Since its beginning, the Coalition has provided information and referral for individuals and families needing housing, emergency shelter, mental health and chemical dependency services. This service evolved into the design and creation of the Streetcard, a two-sided page of critical resources needed by those who are unfamiliar with programs which could offer support. Published twice a year, the Streetcard is utilized by most agencies coming into contact with the homeless population as well as faith-based organizations, libraries, and schools.

Our Mission

Recognizing that collaborating with community based agencies is an essential ingredient toward improving the lives of homeless people, CCH has worked to establish relationship with the following groups, to name a few: The Community Shelter Board – participation on the Continuum of Care and the Rebuilding Lives program; The City of Columbus – appearances before City Council, consultation from the Department of Development; The Columbus Foundation – receipt of grant funds to enhance the community education program; Colleges and Universities – provision of student field placements.


CCH also hosts a variety of annual events and programming.  This includes our yearly Homeless Memorial Service, where those deceased individuals who have been homeless or formerly homeless are memorialized on the coldest day of the year.  In the spring, we celebrate Mother’s Day for those women and their children who have struggled to end their homelessness and keep their families in- tact.  This is accomplished through a banquet brunch with music, gifts, books, health screenings, and more. In 2020, CCH was tasked to establish and operate Warming Centers to help our homeless neighbors stay out of the elements during the pandemic.

We Need Your Support Today!

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